Fostering tolerance and inclusivity through
education and engagement
An initiative aimed at empowering youth to become agents of change for inclusive societies
GA number:
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 24/11/2024 – 31/10/2026
Discrimination in Europe remains widespread and significantly under-reported, negatively impacting ethnic minorities and migrants, as revealed by the Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
Addressing the escalating issues of racism and fostering inclusive societies amidst increasing migrant flows in Europe begins with education. However, existing approaches often perpetuate stressors by requiring youth to adapt to or resist oppressive systems, while youth workers frequently lack the necessary skills to effectively tackle the complex challenges of racism and discrimination.
Youth Unite aims to bridge the gap in combating racism, intolerance, and discrimination among Europe’s youth by offering an innovative educational and community engagement model. It aims to implement an inquiry-based, tolerance-focused curriculum that promotes youth agency, certifies youth workers, encourages youth action, and supports youth involvement in research and community service projects. Ultimately, this initiative aims to transition youth from resilience to agency, enabling them to devise and implement systemic solutions that foster a culture of tolerance and inclusiveness.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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