OCEA(n)RT – Increasing youth participation to address plastic -“COVID-Waste”- litter through visual art works
An Erasmus+ project that aims to boost youth participation to address plastic – “COVID-Waste” – litter through visual art.
Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-SE02-KA227-YOU-003114
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 1/4/2021- 31/3/2023

One of the most crucial concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic is its environmental impact. Several studies have spotted the dramatic effects of the COVID-19 on oceans and life underwater, as they have noticed a significant increase on the use of plastic medical and protective equipment, such as single-use gloves, masks and aprons. This development indicates a new kind of pollution that adds to the existing plastic pollution and poses environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems. More action is needed. According to the UN Environment Programme, “we must invest in promoting actions by youth”, as this will enable us “to build the momentum to address the challenges of tomorrow”. Youth could undertake a pioneering role in the area and lead activities aiming to raise awareness around ocean protection and the relevance of the pandemic to plastic litter.
OCEA(n)RT aims to support youth participation to address plastic -“COVID-Waste”- litter through visual art.

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