Coworking and collaborative workspaces (CWS) have the potential to address the challenges of the great resignation and quiet quitting among young professionals and entrepreneurs, by providing a stable, functional work environment and foster a sense of belonging within a social community. However, many young professionals lack the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively operate and thrive in these work environments.
KMOP has been collaborating with European organisations over the past year to create innovative educational materials aimed at young professionals. These resources focus on highlighting the benefits and opportunities of collaborative business models and methods while promoting diversity and inclusion in coworking and collaborative workspaces.
Read the second newsletter of our Re-work initiative and:
✓ Explore good practices in CWS across partner countries featured in the Good Practices Guide & Recommendations for VET providers guide, soon to be available in 6 languages
✓ Understand the main learning mismatches and skills gaps among VET providers and their beneficiaries, detailed in the newly developed Skills Roadmap
Access the newsletter HERE
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