Tolerant 2nd Exchange Workshop – Discussing ways to support women Victims of Trafficking

Women with laptop working

The challenges, risks and opportunities in employment integration and support to third country national (TCN) women victims of trafficking (VoT), especially in light of the COVID-19 crisis, were discussed during the 2nd Exchange Workshop of the TOLERANT project, that was held online in the 25th and 26th of June 2020.

The overall objective of the workshop was to exchange experiences and best practices with key stakeholders from countries of origin / countries of destination, to identify ways of further assisting and supporting victims of trafficking and to explore new ways of enhancing coordination and cooperation among key actors, in order to better respond to all forms of trafficking against human beings.

During the workshop, there was a comprehensive presentation of the Tolerant Guide – which aims to support Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), services providers and Public Authorities to develop integrated services for TCN women VoT for sexual exploitation to enhance their integration in the labour market – and the informal Network – where various organisations and stakeholders dealing with VoT share experiences and build connections with each other.

For more information, you can read the Press Release !

Tolerant - workshop

For more information about the project please visit its official website!


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