International Day of Education | 8 initiatives for the empowerment of students and educators

International Day of Education | 8 initiatives for the empowerment of students and educators

Education is a fundamental human right, a public good and a public responsibility. Inclusive and equitable quality education is a prerequisite for achieving gender equality, eliminating vulnerabilities and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind. Today, 244 million children and young people are out of school, according to UNESCO.


In celebration of the role of education for peace and development, the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed the 24th of January as International Day of Education.


Aiming to foster democratic and inclusive schools, where all children and youth will be able to thrive and unleash their potential for a promising future regardless of their socio-economic background, KMOP designs and implements a wide range of social initiatives targeting both students and educators.


We promote initiatives that contribute to the successful integration of all children in the educational systems, we enhance their skills and capabilities,  while we also equip educators with the necessary knowledge and tools in order to respond more effectively to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.




We scale up good practices in education and psycho-social support aiming to contribute to the successful integration of migrants and refugees in the school systems of the host countries. Learn more:


We train educators and intercultural mediators in the creation of an inclusive school environment. Learn more:


We equip young teachers with the soft skills needed to deal with crisis situations within the school environment. Learn more:


We support the digital transition of schools by helping school leaders develop a digital transformation strategy. Learn more:


We combine school education with meaningful civic engagement, by supporting school professionals, students and the local communities to implement Service-Learning activities. Learn more:


We equip Higher Education professionals with the necessary skills and tools to face the challenges of the online learning. Learn more:


We enhance the digital and social wellbeing of primary education students. As part of the iWell project, we have developed a Curriculum and Training Material suitable for educators who teach pupils aged 6 – 12, that is informed by the latest, most effective and innovative teaching practices and educational approaches, including ICT tools. The Curriculum is available here:


We scale up successful educational practices for student empowerment and the reduction of early school leaving. Learn more:


Find out more about all our actions here:



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