Gender-based violence is a kind of violence that lays on a certain distribution of roles, characteristics, tastes, responsibilities, and gender expressions directly associated with a binary idea of biological sex -male and female-. The EU-funded project Diversity and Childhood focuses on a particular kind of gender-based violence, which is violence against LGBTI and gender non-conforming children. This kind of gender violence is based on the breach of some of normative ways of understanding gender, including transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, and interphobia, and it constitutes an unacceptable violation of human dignity with often harsh consequences for children and teenagers.
Preventing it at an early stage of life is key to both stopping this social phenomenon and fostering the well-being of the whole of the society. This is the reason why the project Diversity and Childhood, now at its latest stages of implementation, foresaw different actions aimed at changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe. It does so in 5 key areas of children’s lives: Education, health, families, public space, and media.
The project Diversity and Childhood is being implemented in 9 different countries: Belgium (by Çavaria), Portugal (by CES), Spain (by the University of Girona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona), Croatia (by Zagreb Pride), Greece (by KMOP), Lithuania (by LGL), Slovenia (by the University of Ljubljana), Hungary (by Hátter), and Poland (by Lambda Warsaw).
The implementation of the project has included an analysis of local realities, research actions with children, as well as 55 trainings of 1100 professionals and stakeholders, among other actions
During the analysis phase of the project, a total 116 stakeholders were interviewed, a total of 634 stakeholders answered a survey, and a total of 105 children participated in a workshop to sensitize and evaluate their perceptions, discourses, social representations and practices towards LGTBI and gender non-conforming people, including children. The field research led to the elaboration of 9 national reports as well as an integrative report that analyses the 9 realities jointly.
Drawing from the analysis, the Diversity and Childhood partners elaborated a seminar module and 5 training modules for stakeholders -one per project area. At this point, the project partners are carrying out such seminars and trainings.
Also, the project is about to launch a 4-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for professionals and stakeholders, that will start on June 21st. A handbook on addressing LGTBI and gender non-conforming children for professionals from different key areas, in English and 9 of the local languages, is also in its final stages of publication.
During the upcoming months, the Diversity and Childhood project expects to finalise the planned activities to be able to fulfil its aim.
Download the press release here.