MuseumAR: Elevating the visitor’s experience to the museum with the usage of Augmented Reality


How can Augmented Reality be used in Museums? This was the main topic that we discussed during the meeting, hosted by Hands On! on 11 & 12 October in the Frida and Fred – The Graz Children’s Museum, with our partners from the European initiative MuseumAR.


The meeting gave us the opportunity to test and evaluate the developed Augmented Reality stories and applications that have been produced by museum experts and aim to elevate the visitor’s experience. Also, during the study visit to the COSA-Center of Science Activities, we used Augmented Reality technology and experienced the benefits of Augmented Reality in the learning process.


What’s next? Stay tuned to experience our Augmented Reality stories and to get trained through our booklet on how to design, develop and use Augmented Reality activities in teaching practices and working.


Find out more about what we are doing to help Museum & cultural professionals adopt innovative technologies to reshape the way they engage their audience and present their collections here.


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