KMOP actively supports women’s empowerment

International Women's Day

KMOP actively supports women’s empowerment

8 March – International Women’s Day

Women make up 51% of the population in Greece. However, they still face inequalities and obstacles. These disparities, along with the significant gender gap in Greece are also indicated in the latest report of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), which ranks Greece 24th out of 27 countries.

These data demonstrate the need to intensify our efforts to address gender inequalities and promote women’s empowerment.

To this end, KMOP presents four initiatives to enhance women’s empowerment and promote gender equality:

  •  “Friendly Space” for Women and Girls

The “Friendly Space for Women and Girls” is an initiative by KMOP aimed at providing a safe environment for dialogue and social activities for women who have experienced various forms of abuse.

The activities of the “safe space” are addressed to women and girls aged 16 and above – of various nationalities – and take place on Wednesdays and Fridays (15.00-17.00) at the offices of ELIX Greece (28th October 20, 2nd floor).

See the detailed program for March activities here.

You can register to participate at [email protected].

Learn more here.

  • Two-Day Seminar on the Financial Empowerment of Women

KMOP is organising a free two-day seminar on enhancing the financial literacy of women up to 30 years old, on Friday, March 8th and Wednesday, March 13th (18.00-20.00) in Athens, Skoufa 75.

Register to participate (in Greek) here.

  • Guide for Better Balance between Personal and Professional Life

KMOP has designed and developed the Balance guide to provide practical advice and activities to women for achieving a better balance between their professional and personal life in the post-pandemic era.

Download the guide here.

  • Participate in a Survey on Gender Equality in the Academic Community

KMOP invites educators of all levels and students to participate in a new survey on promoting gender equality in the academic community.

Participate in the survey (in Greek) here.

For more information, you can contact us at [email protected] or at 210-3637547.

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