KMOP Advances Psychoeducational VR Intervention for Reducing Reactive Aggression in Prisons

KMOP hosted on 16 May eight European organizations to delve into ways to reduce reactive aggression in prison settings through virtual reality tools (VR).

During the discussion, the following key developments and highlights arose:

Psychoeducational Intervention and Capacity Building: The consortium is in the technical development phase of creating psychoeducational VR scenarios tailored for inmates. These scenarios are designed to address and mitigate reactive aggressive behaviours. Additionally, a comprehensive blended learning training programme for prison officers is being developed, which will include e-learning and VR sessions to better equip officers with the skills needed to manage and reduce aggression.

Trainer the Trainer Manual and 2 Technological Training Summits: Significant progress has been made in developing the curriculum for training the trainers. During the project’s lifetime, 80 trainers will be trained to implement the VR intervention programme for inmates and 2 Technological Training Summits will be organised in Ankara and Bitula towards that aim.

The practical steps undertaken during the Athens meeting are pivotal in the VR4React project’s mission to support inmates in adopting more prosocial behaviours and to provide prison officers with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively address and manage reactive aggression within prison environments.

For more information about the VR4React project and to stay updated on our progress, visit

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