M4M Guide for integration services’ professionals & volunteers

Οδηγός mentoring

As part of the Erasmus+ project “Migrants of Migrants – M4M” and in collaboration with 6 organisations from Portugal, France, Austria, Italy and Romania, KMOP has created a Guide to support professionals and volunteers from integration services for migrants and NGOs in the implementation of mentoring programmes.

The guide begins with a short analysis of the importance of multicultural dialogue and instructions to professionals working in integration services or volunteers that wish to be engaged in a mentoring programme. Then the structure and steps of the M4M mentoring programme are presented; a chapter on training workshops on the implementation of mentoring and quality indicators. After that, a specific chapter is dedicated to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), revised following the pilot implementation of mentoring in the partner countries.

At the end of the guide, the objective of migrants’ integration is analysed through two different aspects: chapter VI refers to the practices in Europe that were considered at the initial stage of the project, while the final chapter elaborates on policy recommendations according to the circumstances in the partner countries.

You can download the Guide HERE.

About the project

Migrants for Migrants – M4M is an EU-funded project that targets newly-arrived migrants and refugees in the process of settling in a new host country as well as Integration Services’ professionals and volunteers. Its general objective is to foster the inclusion of refugees and migrants in their host society by using the Buddy System and more specifically, mentoring. Inclusion can be achieved through the empowerment of migrants and by creating links and sustainable contacts between refugee associations, social services, local administrations and volunteer associations. The project is implemented in Portugal, France, Austria, Greece, Italy and Romania.

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