Unlocking your cultural intelligence: Discover the latest CQ+ project updates in our 2nd Newsletter!

The CQ+ project, an Erasmus+ initiative aimed at supporting adult learners in developing cultural intelligence and promoting diversity and inclusion, has released its 2nd newsletter.

The latest newsletter includes project updates and details on the development of the CQ+ Toolkit, a collection of 20 interactive infographics designed to enhance adult learners’ soft skills in cultural intelligence. Each infographic will be based on the CQ model, which emphasises metacognition, motivation, and behavior, and will cover topics such as cultural bias, intercultural partnerships, and cultural awareness and appreciation.

The CQ+ project also recently held a transnational training event in Athens, which brought together 14 participants from seven countries to broaden their cultural intelligence through interactive infographics. The project’s next steps include a training event in Berlin for front-line adult educators and the development of a MOOC and Community of Practice to ensure the project results are widely available.

Find out more in our 2nd newsletter!

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