SAFE – A safer life for older women: Training professionals and implementing cooperation mechanisms for combating violence and abuse against older women
Training curricula for social and health care teachers/professionals for tackling violence and abuse against older women.
Grant Agreement Number: 2017-1-RO01-KA202-037160
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 09/2017 – 08/2019
Neglect, abuse and violence against older women is a serious issue that has been overlooked as a focus of research and development of services, in spite of the fact that older women as a group experience unique and compounded disadvantages. Age and being female, among others, are identified risk factors that make older women more vulnerable to elder abuse.
Today, there are no specialized teaching/training curricula for social and health care teachers or professionals in partner countries with the focus on abused older women. Especially the gender aspect is missing; in existing training the general term used is “elder abuse”, which is gender-neutral term homogenizing all older people as the same.
In addition to this, the prevention activities of abuse of older women are viewed from individual, group and community level perspectives, while international human rights and women’s rights perspective is rarely used.
SAFE aims to tackle the problem of violence against older women, by developing specialized training curricula for social and health care teachers/professionals with the focus on abused older women and from the international Human Rights and Women’s Rights point of view.
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Project Partners
Directia Generala De Asistenta Sociala Municipiului Bucuresti (Romania – Project Coordinator)