SAFE Erasmus

SAFE – A safer life for older women: Training professionals and implementing cooperation mechanisms for combating violence and abuse against older women

Training curricula for social and health care teachers/professionals for tackling violence and abuse against older women.

Grant Agreement Number: 2017-1-RO01-KA202-037160

Funded by: Erasmus+                      Duration: 09/2017 – 08/2019


Neglect, abuse and violence against older women is a serious issue that has been overlooked as a focus of research and development of services, in spite of the fact that older women as a group experience unique and compounded disadvantages. Age and being female, among others, are identified risk factors that make older women more vulnerable to elder abuse.

Today, there are no specialized teaching/training curricula for social and health care teachers or professionals in partner countries with the focus on abused older women. Especially the gender aspect is missing; in existing training the general term used is “elder abuse”, which is gender-neutral term homogenizing all older people as the same.

In addition to this, the prevention activities of abuse of older women are viewed from individual, group and community level perspectives, while international human rights and women’s rights perspective is rarely used.


SAFE aims to tackle the problem of violence against older women, by developing specialized training curricula for social and health care teachers/professionals with the focus on abused older women and from the international Human Rights and Women’s Rights point of view.


A multi-professional cooperation – including social and health care teachers/trainers, professionals and relevant authorities – promoted in order to strengthen identification, intervention, referral and protection of older women victims of violence as well as to identify gaps and needs in teachers’ training. These groups created a multi-agency set of working procedures, to be applied specifically to health and social care services for older persons/older women, such as: long-term care facilities, home care services, day care services.

See more.

A training curriculum has been developed, aiming to build competencies of social and health care educators in order to train social and health care professionals on prevention of abuse of older women from the perspective of human rights and women’s rights, based on Collaborative Learning Groups in the frame of Professional Learning Community.

See more.

The Policy Paper proposed by the SAFE project is addressing stakeholders at local, regional, national and EU levels, proposing a set of measures and strategies in order to establish adequate interventions for cases of violence against older women in health/social care institutions, as well as set a framework for the training and education of professionals in this area.

The aim is to strengthen and sustain the capacity of public, government, non-government organizations and service providers to prevent, identify and respond in an adequate manner to violence and abuse of older women.

See more.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre

Directia Generala De Asistenta Sociala Municipiului Bucuresti (Romania – Project Coordinator)

Asociatia HABILITAS Centru de Resurse si Formare Profesionala (Romania)
Anziani e Non Solo (Italy)
Voimaa Vanhuuteen – osk VoiVa – Empowering Old Age Coop (Finland)
The University of Minho (Portugal)

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