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CO.S.M.I.C – Community Support for Migrant Informal Carers

Project CO.S.M.I.C aims to support migrant informal carers, who are at risk of social exclusion, discrimination and stigmatization.

Grant Agreement Number: 2018-1-NO01-KA204-038801

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 09/2018 – 12/2020   


Informal carers are persons who support family members, spouses, partners, relatives or friends of any age who need help to manage a range of daily living tasks. Even though informal carers provide 80% of all care in Europe (Eurocarers), contrary to paid care workers they receive no wage for their work.

Carers with migrant background (CWMB), in particular, often work without recognition and to the detriment of their own health and well-being, experiencing at the same time unique challenges in accessing support services.

These challenges arise mainly from a lack of self-identification among migrants of their status as carers and hence an absence of policy recognition of their needs and rights. As a result, CWMBs face a “double disadvantage”, with their rights not yet fully recognized as carers, and with a higher risk of social exclusion as migrants.


By adopting a user-led approach and involving CWMBs directly in every stage of the process, the CO.S.M.I.C. Project develops methods and tools to support migrant carers and professionals working with them, in order to increase recognition and self-identification and support access to available services.


An awareness raising package – which was produced in a digital version and in 2 hard copies and distributed in places where migrant communities are likely to gather, such as associations, cultural centers, places of worship, hospitals and community social services – includes a multi-language informative booklet, aiming to support self-recognition of migrant informal carers.

An informative package for migrant communities will be released, aiming to raise awareness among migrant communities on the challenges faced by carers and to build stronger capacity to support and orient them.

In order to strengthen the skills of professionals to reach out, work in partnership, support and empower informal carers from migrant communities, a face-to-face training package will be available for professionals, which will be piloted at local level.

An online course will be developed for professionals, which will strengthen their skills of reaching out, working in partnership, supporting and empowering informal carers from migrant communities.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Pårørendealliansen (Project coordinator – Norway)
Anziani e non solo società cooperativa sociale (Italy)

Associazione C’ENTRO (Italy)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

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