Dialogic Minds

Dialogic Minds

Fostering social inclusion of adult mental health users with the implementation of a Successful Educational Action: Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG).

Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-083054

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/09/2020 – 28/02/2023 


Everyone has the right to quality and inclusive lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successful transition into the labour market.

According to the 4th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE IV) (UIL, 2019), it is troubling that in many countries, disadvantaged groups such as adults with mental health issues participate less in adult education. These persons, who are more in need of adult education to increase opportunities for social inclusion and employability, actually benefit less from it, because adult education providers do not often account for associated difficulties. Therefore, access to an inclusive quality education remains elusive for many people with mental health problems.

During the last years, Spanish organisation Agora has applied a Successful Educational Action, Dialogic Literary Gatherings, to a new context: mental health services users, with the aim of supporting the rehabilitation process as well as the social inclusion of all the participants. The great results among participants in Barcelona pointed out to an opportunity to transfer this activity and its benefits to other organisations in Europe.


Dialogic Minds project aims at fostering social inclusion of adult mental health users with the implementation of a Successful Educational Action: Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG). The action consists of reading and reflecting on works of classical, universal literature and establishing an egalitarian dialog around it, promoting values such as equality, mutual respect, and solidarity. By improving and extending the supply of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-skilled or low-qualified adults, the project will not only positively impact on participants’ literacy skills and key competences; it will also allow them to critically reflect on their life trajectory and future expectations.


Project partners will elaborate 4 case studies, one for each partner country implementing DLGs and a scientific article based on the Successful Educational Action: Dialogic Literary Gatherings researched by the INCLUDE-ED Project and based on the successful experience of Agora implementing DLGs in a Mental Health Care Centre and a Primary Health Care Centre in Barcelona.

Agora will present C1 Learning with a training and a teaching activity. In this activity will participate 4 local participants and 6 international participants; one staff member from the partner organizations and one volunteer or mental health user (when possible, if not 2 staff members will participate. The main goal is to train staff members and volunteers for them to be able to implement the DLGs.

The main purpose of this MOOC is to train professionals and volunteers to be able to carry out DLGs in mental health. This online course will last between 15 to 20 hours and it will be open for one month and it has to reach at least 10 people in each country.

The course will be divided in different parts; theoretical (methodology), a guide of how to implement the DLG in the mental health services, a summary with the impact of the DLG in the participants with mental health problems, evaluation and for the closure each participant will have to do a final project.


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Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
AGORA (Spain)
FACEPA  (Spain)
ESTUAR (Romania)
DRAWING TO HEALTH  (Netherlands)

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