Stars4SD – Supporting youth entrepreneurs in meeting Sustainable Development Goals through a peer certification system
The Stars4SD programme aims to support youth entrepreneurship, innovation and active citizenship by promoting SDGs in practice.
Project Number: KA220-YOU-660415DC – KA220-YOU
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 1/12/2021 – 1/12/2023

Although, both member states individually and the EU collectively has put in their priorities the support and enhancement of youth entrepreneurship, thousands of young entrepreneurs are still facing barriers and social exclusion, while in many cases their initiatives are unsuccessful due to lack of competences and knowledge that has led to poor design and structure of their businesses.
Young entrepreneurs and those interested in running a business face a number of barriers, such as lack of awareness of potential for entrepreneurship, limited education and training on how to nurture entrepreneurial attitudes and skills, and lack of prior knowledge on how to organise and sustain a successful entrepreneurship performance (UN Exploring Youth Entrepreneurship, 2020; Youth Solutions Report, 2018).
Despite the available guidance developed from the UN about SDGs, there is a lack of systematic training, collection of educational materials and good practices that can be used by entrepreneurs.
Stars4SD aims to strengthen youth entrepreneurship and promote youth active citizenship and innovation, by providing support for young entrepreneurs and trainers about the importance of five Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – namely provide quality education to youth entrepreneurs, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, and responsible consumption and production – by providing a methodology and guidance on how to meet these SDGs, and also by rewarding young entrepreneurs who take the necessary steps to meet the SDGs.

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Project Partners

Future In Perspective Limited (Ireland)