
Empowering women to re-enter professional life.

Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-081906

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 31/08/2020 – 30/08/2022   


Recent surveys highlight the difficulties women face in re-entering the labour market, particularly after staying at home due to family duties. Women despite being increasingly well qualified in terms of educational attainment, are still less active and less employed than men. The gender employment gap in the EU that remains in double digits (11.5%) is indicative of the situation. Moreover, Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Poland and Iceland are much below the EU target. Reduced job opportunities combined with a lack of counselling or support services make it even more difficult for women to rejoin professional life in these countries. Within this context, more effort is needed to promote female employment. Women who want or have to re-enter the labour market need to be supported effectively in order to overcome structural and social barriers. Also, they need to gain motivation and self-confidence in order to succeed in finding a suitable job.


The RE-START project aims to develop a very helpful online tool to support women – after staying at home – to re-enter the labour market. It shall therefore address the three biggest challenges for women at this stage of their life: gain motivation and self-confidence to do so; receive support in orientation on the market in order to succeed in finding a suitable job; promote their skills to identify support networks to overcome structural and social lack of support. The innovative aspect of the project is the design of materials especially for women in disadvantaged areas or positions facing multiple problems.


The objective of this module is to develop training material for the specific target group of women re-entering the labour market in regards to their motivation and development of perspectives for future professional life. The online module shall support them in this process by helping them to reflect:

– on own values and goals.

– on how to find the motivation.

– to see the importance of undertaking the next steps to reduce the risk of poverty and social exclusion under certain circumstances.

– on what means work-life balance for them.

– empowerment and self-confidence training

The objective of this module is to develop training material for the specific target group of women re-entering the labour market in regards to their professional orientation and upskilling pathways, labour rights and child care provision. The online modules shall support them in this process by helping them to gain information:

– on own skills and competences and gaps and needs.

– on how to find the adequate training.

– on labour rights and protection, special measures for parents or single parents.

– on child care services.

The objective of this module is to develop training material for the specific target group of women re-entering the labour market in regards to their networking skills and to build up peer to peer support and chat groups.

The online module shall support them in this process by helping them to gain information:

– on how to create a personal professional network.

– on how to provide mentoring to others.

– on how to find a mentor.

– on how to find and join an adequate network.

The objective of this module is to develop material for the specific target group of women re-entering the labour market presenting them real life role models, who share theirstories, how they managed this challenge and give hints on how some conflict situations might be dealt with. The online cases shall support them in this process of reorientation and reorganisation of life.

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Project Partners

KMOP – Education & Innovation Hub
Consultoría de Innovación Social (Spain)
Bimec Ltd. (Bulgaria)
Einurð (Iceland)

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