Digital Theatre

Digital Theatre 

An Erasmus+ programme aiming to support Theater and its people, emphasising the enhancement of their digital skills and the digital transition of their work in the post-Covid age.


Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA227-ADU-094558

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/05/2021 – 30/04/2023


The recent COVID-19 pandemic has a serious impact on the cultural sector that is suffering both artistically and financially. Recent surveys demonstrate that theatre professionals (actors, technicians, playwriters and others) are struggling to remain active, relevant and sustain theatrical operations due to the coronavirus pandemic, whose effects are expected to last for the foreseeable future. Moreover, according to these studies, the hindrances affecting professionals and non-professionals ultimately lead to a cultural decline and stagnation, at a time when culture and art are needed more than ever. It is an urgent need to support theatre professionals that face difficulties in the new digital era by developing their skills and competences and increase their capacity in their work. Additionally, it is necessary to raise awareness on common European societal issues through digital theatrical plays and to support non-professional theatre practitioners to benefit from a digital theatre methodology and acquire the skills to continue their artistic work.


Digital Theatre project offers theatre professional and non-professionals the tools needed to transform their art into a digital context by providing an integrated methodology, a complete curriculum, the insight and experience of contextualisation to each partner country, an e-learning course and a comprehensive set of resources.


This action aims to create and provide theatre professionals, partner staff and social inclusion organisations a new way of creatively engaging with audiences and beneficiaries by taking advantage of the digital transformation in theatre production. The ultimate goal is to support theatre professionals in adapting their theatrical work in the new digital era through the development of a Guide that includes a methodology and a training curriculum on digitally native theatre.

Theatre professionals will have the opportunity to actively engage in a learning process that will offer them a deeper understanding of the concept of digital theatre and the necessary tools for designing and implementing digital theatre initiatives. The learning process will involve the development of a theatrical play at a national and European level using new methodologies, content and tools. Moving beyond the traditional theatre setup, professionals will attempt to transfer the experience onto the digital realm that will open up further opportunities and challenges to enrich them artistically and professionally.

This action concerns the digitalisation of the learning program based on the Guide and training curriculum on Digital Theater Methodology. The courses in the e-learning program will be designed based on the learning material of the Guide. The program will offer learning material in an attractive digital environment that theatre professionals can complete if they wish to develop their skills and competencies. The program will also be uploaded onto a Digital Theater Resource Platform (an innovative platform with resources and materials about Digital Theater) for wider use and availability among theatre professionals.

Theatre non-professionals will build their digital theatre skills and competencies in practice, in turn affecting theatrical groups and teams, their audience and communities, and their immediate families and work circles. This action aims to expand the knowledge, skills and tools of non-professional theatre practitioners, to build and support their confidence so they can continue to operate, explore new venues and practices, and innovate in their means of theatrical delivery and theatrical production.

This action concerns the development of an online Digital Theater Resource platform (DTR) for theatre professionals, non-professional theatre practitioners, educators, educational organisations, organisations promoting social inclusion and organisations in the creative and cultural sector.

More specifically, the Platform will consist of:

1) Resources for implementation of the Digital Theater Methodology (a. e-learning developed in the third action, b. Guide for professionals developed in the first action c. Guide for non-professionals developed in the fourth action)

2) Catalogue with the Digital Theater performances (produced in the second action)

3) A virtual community with profiles of all involved participants

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
Associacio La Xixa Teatre (Spain)
Αrtit (UK)
SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education (Cyprus)

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