DIVERCITY – Preventing and combating homo- and transphobia in small and medium cities across Europe

Project Number: JUST/2014/RRAC/AG/BEST/6693

Ensuring the fundamental rights of LGBT people.

Funded by: REC        Duration: 12/2015-01/2018   


LGBT persons in the EU experience discrimination, harassment and violence in different areas of their life. According to the EU LGBT Survey (FRA, 2013), 47% of respondents had felt discriminated against or harassed on the ground of sexual orientation or gender identity in the year preceding this survey. Furthermore, a quarter of all respondents had been attacked or threatened with violence in the previous 5 years (35% for transgender respondents). However, these people rarely report discrimination or violence to the police or other authorities, mainly because they believe nothing would happen or change.

Actually, big cities have been proclaimed the favourite place for identity expression, community safety, anonymity and leisure of the LGBT population. On the contrary, small and medium cities (those between 50,000-60,000 inhabitants) are considered to be more problematic and less tolerant because the dimension of local agencies, the associative structure or the strength of the LGBT community are lower than big cities. Consequently, homo- and transphobia in these areas have particular dynamics, which constitute a threat for human rights protection.


By bringing together the multiple dimensions of homo- and transphobia in medium and small cities, DIVERCITY aimed at ensuring the fundamental rights of LGBT people.


A comparative report developed based on the information collected from Belgium, Greece, Poland, Spain and UK regarding the homo- and transphobia existing legislation, policies and practices.

Read the Comparative Report HERE.

A Best Practice Report developed including the local policies and best practices collected from Belgium, Greece, Poland, Spain and UK.

Read the Best Practice Report HERE.

Α best practice guide developed based on the needs of LGBT population in medium & small cities, providing important information for their human rights protection.

Read the Greek Guide HERE.

A transnational legal and social report developed to propose and promote organisational, legal and social measures to combat LGBTphobia at national as well as European level.

Read the transnational legal and social report HERE.

National workshop for young people in Thessaloniki
Seminar with journalists and bloggers in Thessaloniki
Seminar with journalists and bloggers in Thessaloniki

The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre

University of Barcelona (Spain – Coordinator)
University of Girona
University of Girona (Spain)
Municipality of Neapoli-Sykees
Municipality of Neapoli-Sykies (Greece)
Middlesex University (UK)
Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
Transgender Europe (Germany)

Wrocklaw University (Poland)

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