Promoting global citizenship education in schools – Politeia
POLITEIA seeks to develop an innovative quality training programme to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers in secondary education in global citizenship.
Grant Agreement Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-079034
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/ 09 / 2020-31/08/2022

We are living in an interconnected and interdependent world where technological advances have surpassed distance, allowing the instant transfer of information, images, experiences from one corner of the globe to the other. Issues such as migration and climate change dictate actions that transcend the narrow nation-state boundaries and pose challenges that cannot be addressed unilaterally. Moreover, the ongoing covid19 pandemic manifests the fluidity of national frontiers and the inalienable bond of humans against a common threat.
This situation highlights the importance to promote Global citizenship. Global citizenship refers to a sense of belonging to a broader community and a common humanity. It emphasizes political, economic, social and cultural interdependency between the local, national and the global. Moreover, the ever-increasing peoples’ movement calls for teachers to be well versed in working in multicultural environments, support students from culturally diverse backgrounds.
However, global citizenship is not introduced in schools, both at primary and secondary level, as a distinct curriculum or activity. Teachers lack the necessary skills or have limited experience to integrate global citizenship issues in their teaching.
Consequently, pre-service training and opportunities for professional development are needed to ensure that educators are equipped to deliver quality global citizenship education.
POLITEIA seeks to promote global citizenship in European schools by making the subjects and the issues more amenable to teaching and more accessible to young citizens and contribute to the development of concrete educational pathways for global citizenship education. To achieve this, the project will build an innovative training programme – based on a participatory approach to detect the needs of the target group- addressed to teachers in order to equip them with the appropriate knowledge and skills as well as attitudes and behaviours to bring successfully global citizenship issues in the classroom.

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United Kingdom