INTEGRATED: Promoting Meaningful Integration of 3rd Country National Children to Education
Strengthening the successful participation of newly arrived third-country national children in education and contributing to the combat against discrimination.
Grant Agreement Number: 776143
Funded by: AMIF Duration: 02/01/2018 – 01/01/2020
Approximately 10% of the population in EU were born in a different country from the one they reside in, 5% of whom are children under the age of 15. Although the pattern varies between EU member states, children with a migrant background tend to have lower educational performance and are more likely to leave school early than children from a native background.
Active participation in society, in particular educational and social activities, is very important for the integration of third-country nationals. Thus, schooling and support of educational achievement are one of the most effective migrant integration strategies.
By supporting the development and implementation of educational support models for newly arrived third-country national children in Greece, Italy and Spain – including academic support, parental involvement and intercultural education and public awareness raising – INTEGRATED will contribute to the elimination of the educational disadvantages TCN children experience and will enhance their participation in education.