ACTIVE! Engage, Connect, Empower EU Youth through sustainable, inclusive and democratic Sport


ACTIVE! aims at fostering the active participation of youth in civic life by familiarizing them with the European youth goals and future EU youth policies through the power of sport.

Grant Agreement Number: 625743

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 05/2021-04/2023


The action aims at valorizing the powerful role of sport as a tool to facilitate the approach toward EU Youth Goals with specific reference to sustainability, dialogue and inclusion, and EU youth policies in general, for youth that are usually less represented and active in European civic life and transnational mobility activities, due to different social, cultural, economic backgrounds.

The educational value of sport for young people is well experienced by partner organizations, as well as widely recognized by main international agencies: policies and programs to promote youth involvement in volunteering and sports activities have been promoted both by the UN and EU as activities able to promote the integration of young people into their communities, allowing them to develop skills and experience that prepare them for civic, social, professional life, creating an easier environment that facilitates the participation of those young people that may be less likely to engage in active participation to civic life.

Partners identified no actions that specifically combine the potential of sport to approach all young people and the need to engage a wider target of young people in EU Youth Goals and policies, especially during the current Covid-19 recovery process, and therefore outlined the action.


ACTIVE! aims at fostering the active participation of youth in civic life by familiarizing them with the European youth goals and future EU youth policies through the power of sport. To achieve this, ACTIVE! will equip sports professionals and youth with skills that promote inclusive and sustainable grassroots sport activities.


The handbook includes good practices that sports coaches can use to increase engagement and awareness of youth with less opportunities in European issues through sport.

The training toolkit aims to equip sports coaches and youth with the appropriate knowledge and skills in order to create sustainable and inclusive sports events. Within this context, International mobility will take place for young athletes in Athens and young coaches in Amsterdam.

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European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
European Network of Sport (Austria)
Fare Network Stichting – Netherlands
Jugend & Kulturprojekt EV Germany
DOTS – Cooperativa de Inovação Social para a Transformação Soc
Assist – Associazione Nationale Atlete

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