
Supporting and equipping women and their workplace leaders to better manage work-life balance in a post-covid working world.

Project Number: KA220-ADU-5589C320

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 01/11/2021 – 01/11/2023


A new report from the ILO confirms that labour markets around the world were disrupted in 2020 on a historically unprecedented scale due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the impact of the – short and longer term – socio-economic effects of COVID-19 fall disproportionately on women. Women are much more likely to work in sectors which have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 such as personal or retail services, and in addition they are also burdened with pastoral, childcare and domestic labour. They also experience significantly higher levels of guilt in relation to work and family life balance, compared to their male counterparts.

An accumulation of all of these factors has resulted in additional stresses and pressure on women, which need to be recognised and addressed in order to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing in the post-covid world.


The BALANCE project aims to support and equip women and their workplace leaders to better manage work-life balance in a post-covid working world. The project will lead to improved digital balance for users, and management techniques for reducing stress and anxiety within the modern working world.


The objective of the Library of Experiences is to create a collaborative online space for women affected by the pandemic to share their stories, the stresses of living and working within a pandemic. Through this innovative Library of Experiences women working within remote settings during the pandemic will experience a shift in their mindset, a reduction in their stress levels and develop a healthier approach to maintaining working life alongside personal, pastoral care duties.

The Better BALANCE Guide will upskill adult educators to be able to successfully deliver training on the nuances of remote working, creating balance within a digital world and recognising the imbalances in working people’s lives.

The BALANCE Online Course will provide supervisors and team leaders with the knowledge, skills and awareness needed to update their management practices to better manage and support their remote working staff. This will contribute to increased wellness, productivity and staff satisfaction. The course will be aimed specifically at workplace leaders, who have the ability to influence the tone of the working environment. The course will be designed as: user-friendly e-learning optimised for smartphones and tablets; a modular multimedia course, catering to audio, visual and text-based learning styles with frequent user interaction; an accredited course enabling participants to gain microcredentials.

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European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Tallinn University (Estonia)
University of Turku (Finland)
EUCEN (Belgium)
European E-learning Institute (Denmark)
Momentum (Ireland)

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