Restoration Academy

Empowering Youth Participation in Nature Restoration

An Erasmus+ project aiming to promote nature restoration as a means for youth education.

GA number: 2023-1-FI01-KA220-YOU-000155405

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 01/09/2023-31/08/2026


Around 75% of the Earth’s land and 85% of wetlands bear the imprint of human activities, endangering roughly one million of the planet’s eight million species, according to IPBES. The “UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration” spanning 2021-2030 underscores the pressing need for ecosystem revival.

In Europe, the EU Biodiversity Strategy seeks to halt biodiversity loss by 2030, addressing the dire state of over 80% of EU habitats.

This project aims to address this century’s challenge and actively protect and restore nature, aligning with surveys indicating that combatting climate change and environmental degradation ranks high among global youth priorities.


This project aims to provide youth organizations and workers with tools to promote nature restoration as a means for youth-oriented educational and informal learning and volunteering activities, while inspiring young people to become active citizens and environmental leaders.


One report on nature-based environmental education (NBEE) will be developed in English, combining information from desk research, country specific information, and survey results. The report will provide information to youth workers and youth organisations on the gaps and challenges identified in Finland, The Netherlands, Slovakia and Greece and in the EU on NBEE, as well as on the needs of young people towards NBEE.

Three training camps will be organised with the participation of representatives of youth organisations and youth workers, which include a nature restoration activity. A tool pack will also be created, including an operations model, to promote youth participation in nature restoration.

Youth organisations and youth workers will be provided with enhanced knowledge and concrete tools to strengthen young people’s understanding of how climate and nature are connected, inspiring them to develop pro-environmental actions to protect and restore nature. To achieve these objectives, demonstration videos of nature restoration with young people and of the operations model will be produced.

A functional and educational model to train youth workers will be developed. Content will be created especially based on the main project outputs: survey results, tool pack, and videos. This training model will also serve as a basis for the webinars and final events.

The content of this description represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project Partners

Organization Logo_KMOP Edu Hub
KMOP Education and Innovation Hub, Greece
Nuorten Academia – Finland (Coordinator)
RE-PEAT – The Netherlands
Strom zivota – Slovakia
Luonto-Liitto ry – Finland

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