Rural Youth Future

Rural Youth Future

The Rural Youth Future project aims at improving employment opportunities for young people in rural areas and supporting sustainable rural development.

GA number: 01C0192

Funded by: INTERREG Europe      Duration: 01 Mar 2023-31 May 2027


While social enterprises do exist in various forms across the Western Balkans, their growth potential is hindered by several obstacles, impeding their ability to effectively tackle social issues and provide viable employment opportunities for young people.
According to the Regional Study on Social Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans conducted by the Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs in 2020, a crucial challenge that should be addressed is the limited awareness and understanding of this entrepreneurial model among youth, stakeholders, and the general public. This lack of awareness inhibits the growth of the sector and prevents it from fully harnessing its potential for social impact.

Project Summary

RuralYouthFuture is a European initiative dedicated to enhancing the efficacy of youth employment policies for sustainable rural development. This ambitious endeavor unites municipal, regional, and national entities in a common goal: addressing the unique needs of young individuals in rural territories. By reducing inequalities with their urban peers and combating aging and depopulation, RuralYouthFuture seeks to forge a brighter future.

Within this collective partnership, public authorities, public bodies, and non-profit organisations from seven countries (Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Latvia, Portugal, Estonia, and Belgium) unite to discover viable and sustainable solutions, empowering young individuals and curbing the youth unemployment rate. The partnership places particular emphasis on harnessing digital skills and capitalising on emerging work models borne out of the pandemic. This vital element serves as a catalyst for rural development, while simultaneously attracting and retaining a talented and youthful workforce.

The planned activities for knowledge and experience sharing will breathe new life into policy teams focused on youth employment initiatives. Our mission is to provide unwavering support to young individuals residing in rural areas, ensuring they have access to abundant job opportunities and improved working conditions. By addressing inequalities and preventing brain drain, RuralYouthFuture aims to empower young people to flourish in their own territories.

The Interreg Europe programme authorities are not liable for any
information contained herein.

Project Partners

KMOP Policy Center (Belgium)
Galicia Europe Foundation
Galicia Europe Foundation
Association “Centre for Sustainability and Economic Growth”
Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth
Municipality of Peshtera
Smart House
University of Latvia
Association of Municipalities of Tartu County



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