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STOP – Stop child abuse through effective training and augmented reality

STOP aims to fight child abuse and exploitation of young people by offering an innovative learning methodology to youth workers about sex abuse prevention.

Grant Agreement Number: 2019-2-HR01-KA205-061028

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 12/2019 – 01/2022   


Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children are particularly serious forms of crime. They produce long-term physical, psychological and social harm to the victims and its persistence undermines the core values of a modern society relating to the special protection of children and trust in relevant state institutions.

According to UNESCO, almost 120 million girls worldwide have experienced forced intercourse/sexual act or any form of intimate partner violence at some point in their lives. Moreover, international studies (Barth et al.) reveal that approximately 20% of women and 5-10% of men report having been victim of sexual violence as children.

Fighting these crimes is very difficult, as children are vulnerable and often ashamed and afraid to report this kind of incidents.


STOP aims to fight child abuse and exploitation of young people (9-18 years old) by offering an innovative learning methodology to youth workers about sex abuse prevention, based on an augmented reality game. This will be the first project to combine augmented reality and a serious-game approach to the development of professional training and bystander intervention for child abuse.


A methodological framework – based on the collection of feedback from focus groups and direct interviews/questionnaires – will be developed, aiming to help in the development of the training plan which is the baseline of the Augmented Reality game and learning material.

Comparative report (en)

Comparative report (gr)

The STOP methodological framework (en)

The STOP methodological framework (gr)

A first version of the Augmented Reality game, as well as the training material for sexual abuse prevention, will be designed and developed. This material will be adapted to distant learning on the AR game platform, in order to better support youth workers in acquiring the right competences and skills to fight child abuse.

You can download the AR game here.

Handbook – Training material for youth workers (en)

Handbook – Training material for youth workers (gr)

AR Game material – Age: 13-18 (gr)

(Infographic) Stop child abuse – Through effective training and augmented reality – Ages: 9-12 (en)

(Infographic) Stop child abuse – Through effective training and augmented reality – Ages: 13-18 (en)

Five youth workers from each country will participate in a 5-days training event and will work as Project Ambassadors in their countries, being responsible for developing multiplier events at local level. In these events, the participants will be youth workers, educators and volunteers working with children under 18 years old, NGOs dealing with youth and children’s sexual abuse prevention, schools and other educational institutions, local authorities as well as associations of parents.

A methodology will be developed to pilot the AR game and present it to youth workers and youth, among others.  The scope of the guidelines is to improve a model of informal activities to deliver the AR game. A pilot testing will follow, during which the youth workers will not only do the testing but will also provide feedback regarding the implementation of the AR game.

Guidelines for the application of the STOP model (gr)

You can download the AR game here.
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Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Parents’ Association “Step by Step” (Project Coordinator – Croatia)
European Digital Learning Network (Italy)
Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)
Asociacion Deses 3 (Spain)
CCS Digital Education Limited (Ireland)
Private Institute Emphasys Centre (Cyprus)

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