Building digital readiness for humanities teachers: Policy recommendations for DH Crowdsourcing in Education

Building digital readiness for humanities teachers: Policy recommendations for DH Crowdsourcing in Education

A report titled “Enhancing Digital Readiness for Humanities Teachers” has been published, outlining vital policy recommendations for promoting the use of Digital Humanities (DH) crowdsourcing in education. The report, in line with the digital education policy agenda of the European Union, has been released as part of the Erasmus+ project ENTICING and presents evidence-based suggestions for integrating DH crowdsourcing into secondary schools.

Digital Humanities has emerged as a dynamic field that encourages innovative research and educational tools such as crowdsourcing. The report emphasises the significance of continuous innovation in education and aligns with the EU’s Digital Education Action Plan, which focuses on long-term digital transformation and the enhancement of digital skills and competencies.

The report includes national reports for each partner country, offering specific recommendations to promote DH crowdsourcing: In Belgium, it is recommended to foster collaboration between DH educators and cultural institutions. Cyprus should provide teacher training and support for effective utilisation of crowdsourcing. Greece should consider extending didactic hours, incorporating interdisciplinary sessions, establishing digital facilities, and creating an online tool/platform for DH crowdsourcing. Ireland should integrate technology into traditional subjects to enhance learning outcomes. North Macedonia should adapt the school curriculum, build capacity for improving digital skills education, and raise awareness.

At the European level, it is suggested to develop a multilingual interactive crowdsourcing platform with DH tools online, introduce a free zone for teaching creativity in the school program, fund follow-up projects, establish school-university partnerships, and create a European Education Network.

The report also focuses on a guide for the transferability and expansion of the ENTICING project, providing advice on effectively implementing crowdsourcing projects in different contexts. It highlights strategies such as wide promotion, integration into existing curricula, multilingual interactive MOOCs, summer schools, knowledge exchange, cooperation, and open access.

Furthermore, the report offers guidelines for school authorities on DH crowdsourcing, showcasing the benefits for both teachers and students. It encourages the collaborative creation of educational content, identification of cultural heritage resources, engagement with communities, and the implementation of the ENTICING Curriculum through partnerships with local authorities, communities, and other schools.

The full report will be soon available on the project website.

About the project

The Erasmus+ project ENTICING aims at seamlessly blending the benefits of Crowdsourcing with the need to upgrade the levels of digital readiness of secondary school teachers in humanities by empowering them with competences and tools that will improve the quality of their teaching and at the same time will render them ready to respond quickly in circumstances of crisis. To this end, the project will develop an innovative, tailored, and co-designed training programme to educate teachers on Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing and support them in improving the quality of their teaching.

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