Digital Theatre releases latest newsletter to unveil achievements

The Digital Theatre project is pleased to announce the publication of its latest newsletter, providing a concise update on the project’s advancements. As an Erasmus+ initiative, Digital Theatre aims to empower theatre professionals and enthusiasts by equipping them with essential digital skills and knowledge to thrive in the post-Covid era.

A significant accomplishment of the project is the development of an E-Learning Programme For Theatre Professionals. This comprehensive program offers digitalised learning materials, enabling theatre professionals to enhance their skills and competencies. Divided into two parts, the program provides a theoretical foundation and a practical step-by-step guide to creating digital-native theatre experiences.

In our latest newsletter, we also share the milestones reached by Digital Theatre, while we also highlight the final project meeting held in London, where valuable discussions took place, as the project comes to an end.

You can access the newsletter HERE.

For more information, please visit the project website: or contact us at [email protected].

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