Kick-off meeting of the SKILLS project – Shaping Keys for Independent Living Solutions

SKILLS: Shaping Keys for Independent Living Solutions

On May 17th and 18th the kick-off meeting of the project SKILLS: Shaping Keys for Independent Living Solutions, funded by the Erasmus+ Program, under the KA220-VET measure – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training, took place. This project runs from 31/12/2022 to 30/6/2025, with a duration of 30 months.

The project is based on a European partnership, led by Cerciespinho, as coordinator, and relies on the experience and dynamism of Fenacerci (Portuguese federation of Social Solidarity Cooperatives), ARIS (Cooperative Society for Training and Research), CADIAI (Italian Cooperative of Social services), ARFIE (Association for Research and Training on Integration in Europe), KMOP (Education and Innovation Centre) and IN-RED (Galician professional and business association of protected employment centers in the field of intellectual disability and related areas).

The agenda of this inaugural meeting included formal aspects of partnership and project management as well as the development and implementation of the planning of WP2 – Lifelong learning for a digital life: e-training methodology for professionals in the field of intellectual disability. It also included a visit/meeting with clients and personal assistants from CAVI – center for support to independent living, and a visit to the training center. The goal was to clarify the models of training and independent living in Portugal, given the legislative variability, service models, and financial institutions in Europe, in order to create a glossary on the diversity of these services as a strategy for understanding and working together.

These were two days of intense and rigorous work, but also of sharing experiences and conviviality, fundamental factors for the development of an effective, transversal, and lasting network of production of knowledge and practices!

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