EMBRACE final conference in Brussels presents resources for inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care

KMOP and five European organisations participated in the final conference of the EMBRACE project that took place on 1 December in Brussels and online with the aim to present the project and its results, to discuss existing policies and challenges associated with achieving inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care, and to decide on the next steps.

The conference was held in parallel with the celebrations for the European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023.

EASPD (Belgium) hosted the hybrid event, which was also part of the Lifelong Learning Week 2023 programme, at the European Economic and Social Committee.

A total of 234 participants followed the event either in person or online.

The project results presented include the Transnational Report, the Inclusion Handbook, the e-learning course for ECEC professionals, and the Awareness-raising toolkit.

Read more in the press release here.

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