ENTICING project: Launching the Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing course curriculum

ENTICING project: Launching the Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing course curriculum

The ENTICING consortium announces the launch of the Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing course curriculum. 

ENTICING is a 2-year Erasmus+ project, which aims to upgrade the level of the digital readiness of secondary school teachers in humanities, by empowering them with competencies and tools that will improve the quality of their teaching and at the same time will render them ready to respond quickly in circumstances of crisis.

A curriculum with a range of compulsory and elective modules related to Humanities has been developed, including innovative content and a variety of crowdsourcing methods, which can be useful for all members of the school community, addressing issues such as interdisciplinarity and digital literacy.

The course curriculum is available HERE.

This curriculum comprises of 100 hours training addressing teachers of secondary education: 85 hours of asynchronous (self-directed learning) and 15 hours of synchronous (face-to-face) learning. Each of the 10 Modules of asynchronous learning comprises a main study corpus and an eLaboratory training.

Through the series of Masterclasses, teachers will learn about various processes, assets, and tasks applied in Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing projects and how they are related to pedagogical trends of Humanities disciplines. Each discipline serves as a field of application although it is not the only one to meet the above relations. Each Masterclass works as a stand-alone, together they provide a comprehensive training program.

To get a deeper understanding of Digital Humanities and Crowdsourcing practices, learners can visit the project’s Repository of Case studies on the project’s website and the noteworthy Crowdsourcing cases commented on in each Module. The selection per Module follows too, the related to pedagogical trends of Humanities’ disciplines application. Additionally, the repository of Digital Humanities Resources Crowdsourcing initiatives and tools situated on the project’s website contains a wider variety of relevant and pertinent information about the available best practices and initiatives in Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing projects. It aims to increase teachers’ knowledge capital and the availability of quality resources.

Multimedia resources are suggested in a third section of the main study corpus, to study further and deepen knowledge. The most representative scientific articles, academic lectures, short videos, blogs, etc. about crowdsourcing practices, pedagogy of Humanities subjects, and digital Humanities processes are selected by the project teams in conformity with the Module’s focus.

The eLaboratory of each Module presents the use and utility of certain Digital Humanities tools (DH tools) combined with practice. Guidelines and the most useful tutorials were carefully chosen on the internet to be suggested for users’ training of the tool. In addition, they are clearly illustrated, and the affordances of the tool according to its use in Humanities research and pedagogy.

Face-to-face learning is designed to be delivered through 15 hours of group activities building on the previous period of asynchronous learning. During the face-to-face sessions, teachers will have opportunities for deeper learning by discussing key points of the educational content and by clarifying issues they have studied. They can enroll in group activities that promote reflection and practice. They will be encouraged to explore further the self and peer evaluation comments received based on their activities and outputs created during the asynchronous learning phase (10 online units – 85hrs).

A full set of detailed guidelines will soon be available to support humanities secondary school teachers to make use of the Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing course curriculum. The material will be available online on the project’s website: https://www.enticing-project.eu/

The organisations working together for the project are: University of the Peloponnese (Greece), KMOP Policy Center (Belgium), Institouto Ekpedeftikis Politikis (Institut of Educational Policy, Greece), KMOP Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia), CARDET (Cyprus) and Spectrum Research Centre CLG (Ireland).


ℹ️ For more information, please visit the project’s official website: https://www.enticing-project.eu/ or contact us at [email protected].

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