KMOP | 4+1 actions that support young people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

2 April marks World Autism Awareness Day and reminds us all of the need to help enhance the quality of life of people living with autism so they can lead full and meaningful lives as an integral part of our society.

At KMOP, our aim is to support the integration of people with ASD into society by providing them with essential psychosocial support, training healthcare professionals to deliver better services, and raising autism awareness among the public. Through our services, we aspire to create conducive conditions that will help children and young people with ASD to reach their full potential.

Catch a glimpse below of our actions that support young people with autism spectrum disorders.

  • Social Net

We provide free psychosocial support and empowerment services to children with autism spectrum disorders and their parents who live in the Municipality of Piraeus.

Find out more here.

  • Healthcare4ASD: Updating healthcare professionals VET for working with people with ASD

We train healthcare professionals to deliver quality services to individuals with ASD, while also raising awareness among healthcare service providers about the needs of people with ASD.

Find out more here.

  • StoryLiving: Enabling youth with developmental disabilities & mental health disorders to share their COVID-19 experiences through digital storytelling

We use digital storytelling to empower young people with autism spectrum disorders or mental health disorders.

Find out more here.

  • YouthASD: Upskilling youth organizations for the inclusion of people with ASD

We support youth organisations in their efforts to include young people with ASD, thereby promoting their inclusion.

Find out more here.

  • TUA: The unexpected artrepreneur 

We facilitate the social inclusion and skill development of young people with ASD by engaging them in visual arts activities.

To learn more about all our relevant actions, click here.

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