Fighting extremism & radicalisation – The COMMIT Declaration

COMMIT project

On Wednesday, 11 May, 2022, the Final Conference of the COMMIT project took place in Palermo, at the Sala delle Capriate of the monumental complex Chiaramonte – Steri, seat of the Rectorate of the University of Palermo.

The conference, entitled “Alternative Narratives against hate and extremism From awareness to education, from communication to activism” has been the occasion to present the results of the project and to review more than two years of work done by five European organisations (KMOP, Centro sviluppo Creativo Danilo dolci, Die Berater, Radio La Benevolencija, Textgain) and the University of Palermo, in order to prevent violent extremism and radicalisation through capacity building activities with university students, representatives of civil society organisations and young people, and through the co-creation and diffusion of alternative narratives.

The final conference has been the occasion to launch the COMMIT Declaration, a memorandum of understanding developed by the participants to the COMMIT Capacity Building in Italy, Greece, Austria and Netherlands, with bottom-up recommendations on how to combat extremist content online, prevent radicalisation and promote the European democratic values in the everyday life.

👉 You can learn more about the COMMIT Declaration and watch the full video of the event in the Commit Newsletter #3.

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