MIRAD | Call for Experts in radicalization

Call for Expert
Are you an expert or havιng extensive experience in radicalization (especially in the fields of Right-Wing or Islamist extremism)?
Then, check out this call and become a member of the MIRAD project’s Expert Boards!
  • The idea behind Expert Board

To ensure the continuity of preventive efforts in Europe, it is necessary to identify and map out experts in the field of P/CVE. The experts can represent science and research, practitioners, networks, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in the field of right-wing and Islamist extremism risk assessment and intervention. As part of the MIRAD project, two Expert Boards will be established: one in the field of Right-wing extremism, and the second one on Islamist extremism. The Expert Board will be a body, consisting of 8 experts, acting on a volunteer basis, which will be supporting the MIRAD project in assessing whether the developed solutions are practical and can be applied. The Expert Board members will be chosen by MIRAD’s consortium Members taking into account experience in the field of radicalization.

  • The task of the Experts

Members of the Expert Board will support the MIRAD project in the evaluation of the developed IRS assessment sheet which will be extended within a specific set of right-wing-centered and Islamic dimensions. The IRS assessment sheet will focus on the characteristics of FTFs/HTFs and gender issues. This task with the support of the Expert Board will provide the opportunity for the development of analyses regarding different dimensions, revealing whether inmates are likely to be experiencing certain stages of the radicalization process.

  • How to become a Board Member?

To become a board member, please complete this form: https://forms.office.com/r/S32m0XCBHB

During registration, you will be required to enter your first and last name, sector, and a short description of your experience.

The Submission deadline is on the 28th March 2022.

  • MIRAD overview 

MIRAD is an 18-month project co-funded by the Internal Security Fund. MIRAD’s main goal is to build upon IRS (Individual Radicalisation Screening) and develop specific, add-on ideological-centered assessment sheets to the IRS, having in consideration two different extremist typologies: right-wing extremism and Islamist extremism. For MIRAD, the role of gender is important as well. The MIRAD project also aims to train practitioners from prison, probation, and non-governmental organizations via e-learning and virtual-reality scenarios. In addition, the project foresees the development of an instrument to assess the trustworthiness and capability of NGOs that work with extremist/radical individuals, which could later be used by prison and probation systems in the EU.

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