RE-START online training | Supporting women to re-enter the labour market

RE-START online training

As part of the RE-START project, aiming to empower women to re-enter professional life, KMOP, together with five partners from Spain,  Cyprus, Iceland, Bulgaria and Poland, have developed and started piloting a very helpful online tool to support women – after staying at home – to re-enter the labour market.

This online training will address the 3 biggest challenges for women at this stage of their life:

✔️ Gain motivation and self-confidence to do so.
✔️ Receive support in orientation on the market in order to succeed in finding a suitable job.
✔️ Promote their skills to identify support networks to overcome structural and social lacks of support.

Women who want or have to rejoin the labour market after staying at home due to family duties can participate in the piloting.

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