The EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality – Preventing Sexual Harassment

The Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality

Natasha Alexopoulou, KMOP’s Project Manager of TEAMWORK, was invited and contributed to the exchange of good practice seminar “Preventing Sexual Harassment”, that took place on 22-23 September 2022, in Copenhagen, as part of the “Mutual Learning in gender equality” programme of the European Commission. The event was organised by OSB Consulting and took place in the Ministry of Transport in Copenhagen.


During this 2-day seminar, representatives from EU Member States, EU officials and independent experts presented and discussed their policies and practices in the field. Natasha, drawing from the lessons learnt in TEAMWORK, as well as her expertise in the subject, provided inputs regarding the prevention of sexual harassment, considering the current circumstances, the policies and the legislative framework of Greece.


If you are interested in exploring more about Teamwork and what KMOP is doing to strengthen the combat against sexual harassment in the workplace and to suggest evidence-based policy measures that enable employees, HR professionals and managers to recognize, prevent and address this phenomenon, click at the following link:


About the Mutual Learning Programme in gender equality

The Mutual Learning Programme in gender equality aims to reinforce mutual learning among EU countries. The programme focuses on policy measures as well as concrete and existing examples. It addresses both the opportunities and limitations of real-life implementation, and provides an opportunity for the stimulation of debate and exchange of experience between governmental representatives, independent experts and other relevant stakeholders. The ultimate aim is to facilitate the dissemination of good practice on gender equality in Europe.

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