Youth Regained | KMOP works towards enhancing the employability of child offenders

Youth Regained

KMOP participates in the Erasmus+ project titled “Youth Regained,” aiming to identify the key competences and life skills that child offenders lack, which hinder their employability, and to design a unique training program to provide them with essential soft skills.

Child offenders often face significant barriers when it comes to employment, which can lead to poverty, housing issues, and other social and economic problems. The project aims to address this issue by assessing the key competences that these young people lack, and if they were acquired, their employability success rate would be considerably increased.

KMOP is working alongside other European partners in the project to develop the YOUTH REGAINED e-course, dedicated to young persons in conflict with the Law and also to their educators.

Read the 2nd Newsletter of the Youth Regained project to find out more!

The Youth Regained project aims to address the issue of youth offenders re-offending after their release, by working with local NGOs, CSOs, and authorities to strengthen the employability of minors at risk of offending or reoffending and increase their integration in society. The project will develop training materials addressed both to youth offenders and educators.

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