CIRCLE: InClusIon of Refugee ChiLdren in Education
CIRCLE aims at supporting the inclusion of refugee/migrant children in good quality education and reducing their drop-out level.
Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 31/01/2019 – 30/1/2021

Children with migrant background across the EU tend to have lower educational performance and are more likely to leave school early compared to native children. These children either have been left out of the school environment for several years or have never been included in education.
Weak targeted education policies are not always well implemented or effective in practice. Few school systems make professional assessments of what newcomer children learned abroad (MIPEX 2015), and the way countries organize assessment procedures differs across Europe.
Assessing migrant/refugee children’s previous learning is a great challenge for the majority of EU host countries, as they usually hold no documentation of their previous school attainment and grades, and there are no available tools to assess their prior level of knowledge. Furthermore, psychological trauma, a difficult family situation and the lack of knowledge of the host countries’ languages are making it nearly impossible for these children to be included in the respective official educational systems.
By developing tools and policies that will allow educational professionals to effectively assess and validate prior learning of newly arrived refugee/migrant primary and secondary school age students, CIRCLE aims at supporting their inclusion in good quality education and reducing their drop-out level.

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Project Partners

(Project Coordinator)