FA.B! FAmily Based care for children in migration

The project aims at supporting the improvement and expansion of alternative family-based care system for unaccompanied migrant children.

Funded by: AMIF        Duration: 01/10/2020 – 30/09/2022  


The European Commission states that the rights of the child are part of human rights: rights that the EU and EU countries must respect, protect and fulfil. Protecting children is the keystone for upholding European values of respect for human rights, dignity and solidarity. This is why protecting all children in migration, regardless of status and at all stages of migration, is a priority.

Family-based care is commonly recognized as the best way to facilitate integration and promote the well-being of children. It is considered to be more effective than large-scale residences in providing children with a nurturing environment and addressing their individual needs. According to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), fewer children go missing from foster care compared to reception centers and institutions. FRA also highlights that training for professionals remains a high priority to ensure the highest standards of care and protection for these children.

In Greece, according to the National Service responsible for Unaccompanied Migrant Children, at November 2019, there were more than 5.270 UMC living in various accommodation sites across the country, whose funding and long-term sustainability remains a challenge.


FA.B! FAmily Based care for children in migration is an initiative aimed at supporting the improvement and expansion of alternative family-based care system for Unaccompanied Migrant Children in Italy, Greece, Spain, Malta and Cyprus, sharing knowledge and expertise on how to provide quality alternative care. Additionally, it aims at strengthening networks and enhancing competences of different actors involved in UMC, in order to make them able to perform all tasks related to promoting the well-being of children.


The participating countries will share “know how” and spread knowledge on good practices, methodology and tools to provide quality alternative care and tailored services to children’s individual needs. In this context, five two-day events will take place, on order to offer partners and national organisations working in the field of UMC the opportunity to start a dialogue with fellow practitioners in Europe that will allow them to exchange knowledge, learn practices from each other and ultimately forge future partnerships. Moreover, five transnational workshops on specific issues will take place (one in each country) aimed at increasing the professional knowledge of the partners.

This communication policy is an instrument defining the responsibilities and the activities of those involved in the process and detailing the means and the channels of communications and consultation that will be used to reach Unaccompanied Migrant Children.

The booklets will be produced to give proper information about Unaccompanied Migrant Children, as well to enlighten and approach society and possible foster families and volunteers.

Specific training will be held for relevant professionals (staff, civil servants, Services’ managers, social workers, guardians, educators) on the challenges faced by unaccompanied children and on how to provide the highest standards of care and protection to these children.

Training sessions on foster care for migrant children will be organised into 4-hour meetings addressed to potential foster carers.

These sessions will be organised like paths of participation designed to inform children about what family-based care system can offer them, what and who they will meet in their integration journey and share their expectations and needs.

Ten webinars focused on subjects related to UMC and family-based care will be addressed to professionals and other parties interested to learn more about UMC’s specific needs, European/national legal framework, good practices etc.

A final conference will be organised in Brussels, with the participation of the partners, as well as European and national authorities and experts. During the conference, the project results and the capitalizations of FA.B! project at several scales will be presented.


🎙️ Radio Spot #1 (GR)

🎙️ Radio Spot #2 (GR)

🎥 Video Spot #1 (GR)

🎥 Video Spot #2 (GR)

AMIF logo

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
C.I.D.I.S. – ONLUS (Italy)
HFC Cyprus logo
ISMU (Italy) 
Fundacion porCausa (Spain) 

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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