
IntegrAction – Action for socio-economic integration of refugees and asylum seekers

IntegrAction aims at promoting the social and economic inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers in the local context of reception.

Grant Agreement: 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063302

Funded by: Erasmus+        Duration: 10/2019-03/2022  


The integration of migrants and refugees has gained further attention in the aftermath of the humanitarian refugee crisis that outburst in 2015 in EU. However, the process of their integration and social inclusion seems to be rather slow. According to OECD, around 14% of all foreign-born people in EU report belonging to a group they think is subject to discrimination.

At the same time, researches confirm that migrants suffer of discrimination behaviours and face obstacles and problems such as low knowledge of the host country language and literacy, difficulties regarding the recognition of qualifications and skills possessed, lack of access to quality education system and limited access to job market.

Several studies indicate that immigration could bring a positive contribution to public finances and welfare of host countries. Thus, fast and successful integration is essential in order to maximize the opportunities generated by migrant flows, as well as promote social cohesion and inclusive growth and migrants’ ability to become self-reliant and productive citizens.


IntegrAction aims at promoting the social and economic inclusion of the refugees and asylum seekers in the local context of reception, by providing innovative tools that improve their linguistic, socio-professional and entrepreneurship competences and stimulating their active participation in the local communities.


The Toolkit will allow extending the knowledge of operators/educators who work with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers about digital tools and instruments for literacy, and strengthening of linguistic skills. The operators will share with refugees and asylum seekers the use of the more appropriate digital tools in order to activate a process of life-long self-learning of the host country language.

A guide will be designed for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in order to understand the steps necessary to create their own business. The manual will allow the self-evaluation of business competencies and knowledge required to create a start-up. Moreover, the refugees will be able to understand the importance to strengthen their knowledge through attending vocational and professional training courses.

This action will allow intercultural meeting between people with a migrant background and local people, creating occasions of mutual understanding. The purpose is to increase awareness on locals about the causes and motivations pushing refugees and asylum seekers to start a long and difficult migration process. At the same time, the latter will understand the culture, way of thinking and common rules and values of the host country.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre
Anolf Marche (Italy – Project Coordinator)
Institute for Entrepreneurship Development (Greece)
Learnmera Oy (Finland)
Job4Refugees (Germany)

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