An auThentIc learNing and gender-inclusive frameworK for tEaching infoRmatics in schools across Europe

The TINKER project aims to address the gender gap in the ICT field.

GA number: 101132887

Funded by: Erasmus+      Duration: 1/1/2024 – 31/12/2026


According to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI, 2022), only 56% of Europeans posses basic digital skills, while a gender imbalance persists across different levels and age groups in ICT-related fields.

Informatics education is a powerful vehicle for developing the digital skills of all citizens. According to the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, using innovative and motivating approaches to teaching informatics can help develop problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration skills, foster interest in STEM-related careers, and tackle gender stereotypes.

Yet, informatics education remains fragmented in terms of content, curricula, and pedagogical approaches for teaching and assessing informatics across schools in Europe.


TINKER aims to address the gender gap in the ICT field by implementing a gender-inclusive, authentic learning pedagogical framework for teaching informatics in upper-primary and lower-secondary education, contributing to the to the ambitious targets of the Path to the Digital Decade proposal, which seeks to equip at least 80% of EU citizens with basic digital skills and increase the number of ICT specialists to 20 million by 2030, with a focus on achieving gender balance in the field.


The Framework maps informatics topic areas with learning outcomes tailored to different age levels; principles of authentic learning and gender-inclusive practices in teaching and assessing informatics.

The Toolkit is a practical guide for the teachers, offering specific guidelines to design learning scenarios and activities based on the TINKER framework.  It includes a template for teachers to create learning scenarios using the Framework, a self-reflective tool (aligned with SELFIE) for teachers to reflect on their teaching practice -whether it follows the TINKER framework (authentic learning and gender-inclusive), and a collection of 100 learning scenarios for upper primary and lower secondary education.

Training courses and a trainers’ handbook for upper-primary and lower-secondary teachers aim to equip them with the skills needed to apply authentic and gender-inclusive pedagogical practices in informatics education. The goal is to empower teachers by offering structured guidance and resources, enabling them to establish inclusive learning environments that foster student engagement and success.

The e-learning platform hosts training material and MOOCs that support teachers in applying authentic learning and gender-inclusive practices for informatics teaching and assessment.

The digital repository provides a collection of at least 100 open-source educational resources developed by the partners with high-quality contents
about informatics teaching and assessment.

The pilot implementation and impact assessment aims to support teachers in implementing and evaluating informatics teaching scenarios; collecting reliable data for evidence-based insights; and producing impact assessment reports for learning and policy transformation. The goal is to validate the framework’s effectiveness and inform continuous improvement in informatics education.

TINKER aspires to transform informatics education practices and policies across Europe. It focuses on scaling up project results within and beyond national contexts to drive systemic changes and foster innovation transfer. This includes advocating for policy changes; disseminating project findings; and promoting the integration of best practices across diverse educational settings in Europe.



📄 Newsletter #1 [EN]

📄 Newsletter #1 [GR]

📄 Newsletter #2 [EN]

📄 Newsletter #2 [GR]

📄 Newsletter #3 [EN]

📄 Newsletter #3 [GR]

📄 Newsletter #4 [EN]

📄 Newsletter #4 [GR]

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Project Partners

KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub, Greece
CARDET, Cyprus
EDEX (Cyprus)
EUN Partnership AISBL (Belgium)
Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (Greece)
University College Dublin (Ireland)
University of Groningen (Netherlands)
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
CESIE (Italy)
CPI – Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (Cyprus)



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