iWell – Enhancing the Digital and Social Well-being in Schools | Final Conference held in Bulgaria

iWell – Enhancing the Digital and Social Well-being in Schools | Final Conference held in Bulgaria

On February 7, 2023, the final conference of the Erasmus+ project “iWell project – Enhancing the Digital and Social Well-being in Schools” was held at the National Centre for Teachers’ Training, in Bankya, Bulgaria.

iWell is an innovative project aiming to empower primary school students, aged 9-12, to lead a healthy online life and boost their social well-being. The project achieved this goal by providing primary teachers with the necessary skills, to undertake the role of “active health agents” and create healthy and active citizens of the future.

The conference was attended by more than 40 educators from all over Bulgaria, as well as representatives from participating countries and organizations. Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the project and its impact on primary school students and teachers.

KMOP specifically presented the Curriculum and Training Material designed for educators teaching students aged 6-12. It incorporates the latest and most effective teaching practices and educational approaches, including ICT tools. The curriculum addresses the needs of primary school teachers by adopting a “skills-based health education” approach. This equips educators with the necessary skills to enhance students’ life skills, specifically in making healthy and informed decisions while online.

iWell final conference-KMOP

Representatives from Innovade and CARDET presented the Learning Resources, Games, and Online Course. The iWell Learning Resources include interactive materials that can be used by teachers to supplement their lessons, while the iWell Online Course is a comprehensive program that provides teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively deliver the iWell curriculum.

KMOP collaborated in this project with five organisations from Bulgaria (Institute of Technology and Development), Cyprus (CARDET and Innovade), Italy (CESIE), and Ireland (The Rural Hub).

ℹ️ For more information about the iWell project, please visit the project website at https://iwellproject.eu/.

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