META-COIN: Best practice repository to identify skills needed for the future working life 2025-2035

KMOP Policy Center together with organisations from Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Scotland (UK) has prepared a Good Practice Guide that serves as a comprehensive and invaluable resource for individuals, educational institutions, businesses, and policymakers alike, as it addresses the evolving demands of the future workforce and offers actionable insights to empower all involved to bridge the skills gap.

The Guide was prepared in the context of the European project META-COIN that aims to develop an optional training path and online material of future meta-skills, international and multicultural skills. Its innovation lies in highlighting this new need of meta-skills, intercultural skills and competence.

Based on the Best Practices Repository, the Meta-coin Consortium is now working on creating a structured working platform populated with training materials in meta-skills and internationalisation skills.

Read more in the 1st press release here.

Find the Good Practice Guide here.

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