TALENT – Cloud-based education for creative sport talents TALENT facilitates dual careers, cultivates positive behaviors, and prepares young talents for lifelong learning and early entry
INCLUDE – INCLUsive acaDemiEs INCLUDE aims to tackle and root out discriminatory behaviors from youth sport and contribute to making youth sport safe and accessible
GREEN LEAGUE – Sport Alliance for the Environment Green League promotes a new environmental consciousness within society through sport, leveraging on its ability to bring
Tackle Racism
TACKLE Racism in Grassroots Football Tackle Racism is an Erasmus+ project that aims to combat racism and xenophobia in football, by empowering coaches and managers
GO SPORT – Promoting good governance in sport through social responsibility GoSport is a European initiative aiming to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in
ACTIVE: Focus on Children; Strengthening Policies in Sports and Leisure ACTIVities ACTIVE goal is to promote the embedding of child safeguarding policies by sports
SAILAWAY – Supporting the participation of children and youth with developmental disabilities in sailing SailAway aims at fostering the social inclusion and developing the personal