Gender Equality Plans for INclusivity: engines of Change An initiative promoting the integration of LGBTIQ and intersectional individuals in Research & Innovation GA number: 101187961
Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations to support victims of anti-LGBTQI hate crimes An initiative combating anti-LGBTQI hate crimes through multidisciplinary cooperation GA number:
ACT4CONSENT ACT4Consent empowers educators to discuss consent with kids in the classroom by utilizing drama and storytelling. Grant Agreement Number: 2023-1-DE03-KA220-SCH-000151276 Funded by: Erasmus+
Preventing Gender-Based Violence in and through Sport Sport GVP aims to address gender-based violence in sports. Grant Agreement Number: 101133538 Funded by: Erasmus+
ACT4CONSENT An Erasmus+ project that aims to use drama and storytelling to help teachers address the topic of consent with students in the classroom. GA
PROmoting Gender mainstrEaming iN acaDemia through thE enhancement of gendeR equalIty and iNclusion in hiGher education An Erasmus+ project aspiring to facilitate structural and cultural
FreeAll – Inclusive services for all LGBTIQ people FreeAll aims to enhance protection response of social, legal, health and judicialservices tailored and sensitive to the
Balance Supporting and equipping women and their workplace leaders to better manage work-life balance in a post-covid working world. Project Number: KA220-ADU-5589C320 Funded by: Erasmus+
Europe’s Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age EQUALS-EU aims to promote gender equity in social innovation. Grant Agreement Number: 101006396 Funded by:
CHOICE: Promoting School Environments Inclusive of Diversity based on SOGI CHOICE aims at promoting more inclusive school environments and combating intolerance on the grounds of
PATTERN: Prevent And combaT domesTic violEnce against Roma womeN Empowering Roma women is essential for combating & preventing domestic violence against them. Grant Agreement Number:
TOLERANT: TransnatiOnaL network for Employment integRAtion of womeN vicTims of trafficking TOLERANT focuses on the integration of women victims of trafficking for the purpose of
Diversity and Childhood
Diversity & Childhood: Changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe Raising awareness, reducing prejudice, and improving violence protection and support to LGBTI and
TEAMWORK – CombaT sExuAl harassment in the WORKplace TEAMWORK aims at strengthening the combat against sexual harassment in the workplace. Grant Agreement Number: 881719 Funded
Gender Equality Matters – Tackling Gender-Based Violence The Gender Equality Matters (GEM) project aims to tackle gender stereotyping, gender-based bullying and gender-based violence. Grant Agreement
MedLit – Media literacy for refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women Enhancing the media literacy competences of (low-skilled/low-qualified) refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women through
HEAL: enHancing rEcovery and integrAtion through networking, empLoyment training and psychological support for women victims of trafficking HEAL aims to facilitate the integration of third
SAFE Erasmus
SAFE – A safer life for older women: Training professionals and implementing cooperation mechanisms for combating violence and abuse against older women Training curricula for
SupportVoC – Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime Contributing to the promotion and protection of the
EASE – Entrepreneurs for Autonomy, Self-development and Equality EASE aims to establish the benefits, or potential benefits of Education for adult refugee women, specifically in
Ed.G.E: Educating girls and boys for Gender Equality Ed.G.E aims at educating and raising awareness to girls and boys on gender equality and gender-based violence.
BASE – Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence Empowering migrant/refugee women as Cultural Advisors through the implementation of
Strengthening LGBTQI+’s Voice in Politics – VoiceIt VoiceIt aims at increasing the participation and the direct involvement of LGBTQI+ individuals in the political decision making.
CO-Happiness – Happy and Safe in Community Co-Happiness aims at better preventing cases of child abuse and maltreatment. Grant Agreement Number: 2018-1-NL01—KA204-038991 Funded by: Erasmus+
Play it for Change
Play it for Change Educating and raising awareness among girls and boys for the prevention of gender-based violence. Grant Agreement Number: 776965 Funded by: REC
Look Wide! – Developing a working method to support LGBTI victims of GBV by integrating gender and sexual diversity Look Wide supports LGBTI victims of
HOMBAT – Combating HOMophoBic And Transphobic bullying in schools HOMBAT aims to create a solid and sustainable framework for the prevention and combating of Homophobic
BADGE: Business Advice and Guidance Training for Women Entrepreneurs BADGE is designed for female start-up entrepreneurs who are often doubly disadvantaged: both because of their
COMBUS – COMBAT BULLYING: A Whole School Program ComBus aims at empowering students, parents and teachers on how to combat bullying in school. Project Number:
DIVERCITY – Preventing and combating homo- and transphobia in small and medium cities across Europe Project Number: JUST/2014/RRAC/AG/BEST/6693 Ensuring the fundamental rights of LGBT people.
EMPOWER – Educational Materials for Practitioners providing Opportunities for vulnerable Women’s Employability and Resilience Empowering vulnerable women through better support services from professionals and volunteers
More women in politics
More Women in European politics – More Women in 2014 Promoting gender equality through greater participation of young women in politics. Agreement Number: JUST/2012/FRAC/AG/2695 Funded
Domestic Violence
Job-keeping or vocational integration for victims of domestic violence Preventing and combating violence towards children, adolescents and women, and protecting victims and groups at risk.