strEngthening PubliC AuthOritieS’ capacitY to reSpond to inTersEctional discrimination through Multi-agency coalitions ECOSYSTEM for a society without discrimination. GA number: 101144484 Funded by: CERV Duration:
Youth Unite
Fostering tolerance and inclusivity througheducation and engagement An initiative aimed at empowering youth to become agents of change for inclusive societies GA number: Funded by:
Empowering civil society organisations and activists championing human rights and democratic values in the EU An initiative seeking to enhance the protection of civic space
Enhancing the capacity of civil society organisations to support victims of anti-LGBTQI hate crimes An initiative combating anti-LGBTQI hate crimes through multidisciplinary cooperation GA number:
Enhancing Inclusive Access to Career Counselling An initiative promoting equal access to career counselling services GA number: KA220-ADU-C9D19B0B Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration: 01/10/2024-30/09/2026 Challenge
Upscaling the European Platform of Integrating Communities An initiative seeking to improve the integration and inclusion of migrants at local level. GA number: 101140983 Funded
Digital data to identify, prevent and counter intersectional discrimination in Phygital AI-based environments An initiative focused on addressing data-driven discrimination. GA number: 101094241 Funded by:
Youth work sheds LIGHT to unconscious bias and invisible Racism LIGHT harnesses the power of youth work to address unconscious bias and invisible racism. GA
Enhancing prevention and protection mechanisms of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace through capacity building, coalition building and interagency collaboration A direct continuation of the Teamwork
ACT4CONSENT An Erasmus+ project that aims to use drama and storytelling to help teachers address the topic of consent with students in the classroom. GA
Like father, like son
Like father, like son – Parental education and Augmented Reality to prevent bullying among children This project aspires to provide parents with the tools needed
BestCare4LGBTQI+ – Building the capacities of service providers in elder residential care on how to provide a more inclusive service provision for Older LBGTQI+ users
STAGE – SupporTing migrAnt inteGration and combating racism at local level through digital servicEs Fostering social inclusion of migrants and their families in their host
EMBRACE – Fostering inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities in early childhood education and care Enhancing the quality of early childhood education and care and
ARTY – Digital art therapy for youth with developing or existing mental health conditions An Erasmus+ programme aimed at ensuring healthy lives and promoting mental
ORIENT – Young explorers re-discover local communities through orienteering An Erasmus+ project that aims to encourage the use of sports as a tool to foster
MEDIS – Mediterranean Inclusive Schools Promoting intercultural education as a key for social inclusion. Grant Agreement Number: 2017-3615/001-001 Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration:
Art huBs for youTh An Erasmus+ project aiming to promote intercultural dialogue through the establishment of Art Hubs. Grant Agreement Number: 2020-3-UK01-KA205-094207 Funded by: Erasmus+
Tackle Racism
TACKLE Racism in Grassroots Football Tackle Racism is an Erasmus+ project that aims to combat racism and xenophobia in football, by empowering coaches and managers
Europe’s Regional Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age EQUALS-EU aims to promote gender equity in social innovation. Grant Agreement Number: 101006396 Funded by:
Analysing and Preventing Extremism Via Participation PARTICIPATION is a project that identifies the European contemporary needs concerning extremism and radicalization, in a broad spectrum, going
URBAN – Engaging Youth with Urban Gardening Activities The project aims at encouraging the active participation and education of local community members through setting up
CHOICE: Promoting School Environments Inclusive of Diversity based on SOGI CHOICE aims at promoting more inclusive school environments and combating intolerance on the grounds of
INTEGRATED: Promoting Meaningful Integration of 3rd Country National Children to Education Strengthening the successful participation of newly arrived third-country national children in education and contributing to
GO SPORT – Promoting good governance in sport through social responsibility GoSport is a European initiative aiming to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in
RESET: Building Resilience in Basic Education Provision of quality adult education and resilience fostering in educationally disadvantaged adults and adult educators. Grant Agreement Number: 2019-1-AT01-KA204-051252
PATTERN: Prevent And combaT domesTic violEnce against Roma womeN Empowering Roma women is essential for combating & preventing domestic violence against them. Grant Agreement Number:
MAMUMI – Mapping the Music of Migration Music as a tool for integrating migrants in the host society and combating discrimination against them. Grant Agreement
ACTIVE: Focus on Children; Strengthening Policies in Sports and Leisure ACTIVities ACTIVE goal is to promote the embedding of child safeguarding policies by sports
Diversity and Childhood
Diversity & Childhood: Changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe Raising awareness, reducing prejudice, and improving violence protection and support to LGBTI and
MAX – Maximizing Migrants’ Contribution to Society MAX aims at changing the public perception of migrants’ contribution to society. Grant Agreement Number: 821672 Funded by:
I-CARE – Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector i-CARE aims at enhancing the services provided to people with different cultural background in the
FAROS – Feature a protective environment for LGBTI+ persons FAROS aims at improving access for LGBTI+ people to protection and services, as well as combating
MedLit – Media literacy for refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women Enhancing the media literacy competences of (low-skilled/low-qualified) refugee, asylum seeking and migrant women through
Net-Care: Networking and Care for Refugee and Migrant Women Net-Care aims at promoting the social inclusion of migrants and refugees victims of gender-based violence. Grant
F.R.I.E.N.D.E.S.K. -Foster Reception for Inclusive Educational Needs: Development of Educational Support for Kids The project aims to reduce social exclusion of children 0-6 years old
CO.S.M.I.C – Community Support for Migrant Informal Carers Project CO.S.M.I.C aims to support migrant informal carers, who are at risk of social exclusion, discrimination and
SAFE Erasmus
SAFE – A safer life for older women: Training professionals and implementing cooperation mechanisms for combating violence and abuse against older women Training curricula for
PRACTICE – Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences Preventing radicalisation in school by empowering teachers through continuing professional development. Grant Agreement Number: 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048442 Funded by:
COMMunIcation campaign against exTremism and radicalisation COMMIT aims at preventing and dissuading vulnerable young people (13-25 years old) from extremism, violent radicalisation and terrorism. Grant
Supported Living Settings
Supporting the resettlement of persons with intellectual disabilities from the residential institution of Demir Kapija into community based supported living settings Support for the De-institutionalisation
BASE – Migrant and refugee child-friendly support services in cases of sexual and gender-based violence Empowering migrant/refugee women as Cultural Advisors through the implementation of
Strengthening LGBTQI+’s Voice in Politics – VoiceIt VoiceIt aims at increasing the participation and the direct involvement of LGBTQI+ individuals in the political decision making.
Best4OlderLGBTI – Best interest for the Older LGBTI Best4OlderLGBTI aims at reducing the inequalities and discrimination faced by older LGBTIs when attending public services or
Weight Matters: Strengths-based Coaching for Weight Literacy Supporting adults to develop their own weight literacy and learn how to shift their mindsets in order to
Play it for Change
Play it for Change Educating and raising awareness among girls and boys for the prevention of gender-based violence. Grant Agreement Number: 776965 Funded by: REC
MedLit45+: Building advanced media literacy competences and digital skills of low-skilled adults 45+ through social media MedLit45+ aims at developing the digital/media competences of low-skilled/low-qualified
YEIP: Youth Empowerment and Innovation Project Fighting youth radicalisation through the promotion of the restorative justice and positive psychology. Grant Agreement Number: 2016-2927/9 Funded by:
MEDIS – Mediterranean Inclusive Schools Promoting intercultural education as a key for social inclusion. Grant Agreement Number: 2017-3615/001-001 Funded by: Erasmus+ Duration:
EpsiLon – Equipping Professionals for Supporting LGBT Refugees Increasing the knowledge, skills and awareness of all adult professionals who come in contact with LGBT migrants
Look Wide! – Developing a working method to support LGBTI victims of GBV by integrating gender and sexual diversity Look Wide supports LGBTI victims of
HOMBAT – Combating HOMophoBic And Transphobic bullying in schools HOMBAT aims to create a solid and sustainable framework for the prevention and combating of Homophobic
InterCap – Developing Capacities together: European CSO-University networks for global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world InterCap envisages to establish
E.T.Ho.S: Eliminating Transphobic, Homophobic and biphobic Stereotypes through better media representation E.T.Ho.S. project has emerged from people’s drive to challenge long-lasting stereotypes and prejudices against
COMBUS – COMBAT BULLYING: A Whole School Program ComBus aims at empowering students, parents and teachers on how to combat bullying in school. Project Number:
DIVERCITY – Preventing and combating homo- and transphobia in small and medium cities across Europe Project Number: JUST/2014/RRAC/AG/BEST/6693 Ensuring the fundamental rights of LGBT people.
Words Are Stones
Words Are Stones Countering hate speech is essential for promoting tolerance and non-discrimination. Grant Agreement Number: 764672 Funded by: REC Duration: 11/2017-10/2019
More women in politics
More Women in European politics – More Women in 2014 Promoting gender equality through greater participation of young women in politics. Agreement Number: JUST/2012/FRAC/AG/2695 Funded
THEAM – Training healthcare multidisciplinary teams on children’s rights and on child-friendly justice THEAM aims at integrating training on children’s rights and child-friendly justice into